Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions
How quickly can I see results?
Each case is different. Many patients see immediate results but more often it is a process. Most people have had chronic conditions that have developed over the course of years. Just like it takes time to develop problems, it takes time to heal.
How long is a typical office visit?
Around 10-15 minutes.
Can I be seen if I have osteoporosis or spinal surgery?
In most cases, yes. TRT is very gentle. Your case will be evaluated individually. Accommodations can be made to assure safety and comfort.
Can children be adjusted?
Children are exposed to their own set of stresses! The good news is that their nervous systems are generally less encumbered than those of adults. Subsequently, they tend to respond faster than adults. Conditions, such as ADHD, can see improvement. If there is a lot of tension in the nervous system, it is much more difficult to concentrate. TRT helps bring ease into the nervous system allowing for healing on all levels.
Do I have to have symptoms to go to a chiropractor?
Absolutely not!
People tend to carry tension in their bodies that builds up over time. They are unaware of their gradual declining health because it happens slowly. They get used to a new normal, not realizing that they are compromised. They chalk up their limitations to “normal” aging. Or their discomfort does not stop them from doing their normal activities. A chiropractic evaluation can give someone a clear understanding of where they are. Chiropractic is more about wellness than it is about pain. The goal is to tune up the nervous system so that you can express the best health possible.
What is different about seeing a chiropractor versus seeking medical care?
True chiropractic is about bringing ease into the nervous system through specific spinal adjustments rather than treating symptoms directly. Your body’s innate intelligence, which is smarter than any doctor in the world, directs where and when an adjustment is given. When subluxations (nerve interference) are removed, healing is promoted from the inside out.
What do you do with “tough” cases?
There are many people who have significant degenerative conditions. They can have spinal stenosis, bulging discs, spurs, previous surgeries, altered gait, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, etc. to varying degrees. Sometimes these conditions represent a “limitation of matter”. In other words, the degenerative process may have gone too far for chiropractic to help. The person may need medical intervention. But I have seen many people who have advanced degenerative conditions who see improvement with chiropractic care. In many cases, I ask patients to let me work with them for about 2-3 weeks. If it becomes obvious that the condition is not improving, at least something conservative has been tried that might help them avoid surgery. I ask people if you could feel 25% less pain versus continuing to decline, would that be worth it. Also, even if the specific complaint that a patient comes in with cannot be helped, generally something else gets better.
Does insurance cover chiropractic care?
Most plans do. My office staff can check your benefits to see what is covered. We are providers for Anthem, Humana, Medicare, Passport and Medicaid programs.
The initial examination and necessary X-rays are half price. Subsequent X-rays are half price, and all adjustments are $30. So, chiropractic care is very affordable, even without insurance.
We go over financials at the beginning of care to give you an understanding of what a course of care will cost. We encourage communication along the way so that we can monitor for any changes in your course of care.