Custom-Made Foot Orthotics

Some signs of foot pronation:

  • wear on the outer edge of your shoe heel (look for uneven wear)

  • callouses on the side of your big toe

  • your big toe is angled inward

  • bunions

  • forward head carriage

  • plantar fasciitis

  • knocked kneed

  • callouses under the pad of your forefoot

  • when you stand or walk your feet flare out…usually one more than another

  • medial knee pain

  • scoliosis (there may be a connection between imbalanced translation of forces coming from the feet).

  • chronic low back pain or even TMJ (jaw) problems

Believe it or not, our feet, and the dynamics of our gait (how we walk), have a major impact on our spinal health and the health of our knees, hips and even jaw. Foot pronation is a condition where the ankles roll in excessively, creating an excessive or imbalanced torsion that translate to the knees, hips, back, neck and jaw. Foot supination is a condition where the foot rolls out. Ninety-five percent of people with one of these problems over-pronate, rather than over-supinate

Without Orthotics

With Orthotics